Things to Keep in Mind While You Prepare for SLC
This year seems to have flown by—it’s already almost time to start preparing for State Leadership Conference! While you prepare, here are some things you should keep in mind:
1. Look through the event FlowChart
Not everyone likes to compete in the same type of events and that’s okay! HOSA has events for all types of students—from students who prefer creatively driven events to students who like the fast paced environment of events like HOSA bowl. This flowchart may give you an idea of where to start on ideas.

2. Pick an event that won’t just be extra studying on top of schoolwork—make it something you’re interested in or passionate about!
We all know how stressful and involved your current schoolwork can be at certain times, so why pick an event that’s just going to add more stress to your load? Pick an event that is something you’re passionate about—like Medical Photography if you enjoy taking pictures or Veterinary Science if your dream is to become a Vet!
I cannot emphasize this enough—your guidelines are SUPER important. They give you the book resources you should use to prepare, an event layout, a breakdown of the exam, AND practice questions. What more could you ask for? BEST STUDY GUIDE EVER!
4. Did I say to use your event guidelines yet?
Here is a link to ALL OF THEM:
5. Keep up on deadlines!
Some events will require you to have certain parts of your event submitted BEFORE you get to State Leadership Conference, or you could potentially be disqualified. Don’t let something so easy be what keeps you from getting that gold! Make sure you know what dates things need to be completed or submitted by to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. If you don’t know the date, ask your advisor!
6. Make sure you have the appropriate dress for your event and for general sessions
At future health professionals, it’s important that we prepare to be professionals at all times. SLC is a great opportunity for this! Some of your events may require specific attire like scrubs or khakis and so on. You can find this information in your event guidelines (did I mention they are important? *winks*). Also for general sessions there are uniform guidelines. Here’s the policy straight from last year’s conference program:
7. Get ready to make new friends and have great experiences!
This conference is the perfect opportunity to network with potential colleges or jobs, to make friends with your fellow competitors, and learn more about what you want to do in the future! Make sure you’re taking advantage of all the opportunities while you’re there—there will be educational symposiums, hands-on experiences, and the chance to go to an even bigger stage at Internationals!
Your officer team is so excited to see you at the 41stState Leadership Conference and we wish you the best of luck as your prepare!