Interviewing 2018-2019 State President Johnna Mitchell
Q: What is your favorite HOSA memory?
A: “My favorite HOSA memory was finding out I was slated for President-Elect. I was so nervous listening to all the other names be called during slating, and I ran to my Advisor immediately after my name was announced and we both cried and laughed together--it was awesome!”
Q: How is life as a HOSA alumni?
A: “Life as an alumni is so crazy! I can’t believe I’m in my third “phase” of being in HOSA (going through as a member, a state officer, and now as alumni!). It’s so wonderful to be able to help the new officers grow and continue to see the members give their all to this organization!”
Q: What is your biggest piece of advice for all HOSA members?
A: “Take advantage of all the opportunities HOSA can give you! Through HOSA, I was driven down a career path, got to meet our state representatives, and stepped out of my comfort zone to network with people from all over the state and the globe!”
Q: If you could go back in time, what would you change about your time in office?
A: “Probably making sure that I lived in the moment. Sometimes I would get so caught up in making sure my presentations were perfect that I didn’t cherish the time with the members as much as I could have. There are so many wonderful students in this organization from all over the state--take the chance to get to know as many as you can!”
Q: Do you have any tips for balancing college and HOSA?
A: “It’s all about time management. Balancing classes, friends, studying, sometimes work or sports, and HOSA can be a lot sometimes. It’s really important to have a planner and right down all due dates as soon as you learn of them so that you can prepare in advance.”
Q: What is your spirit animal? Why?
A: “My spirit animal is probably a dog. I know that it’s not as extravagant as most people would pick, but I love that dogs are loyal, loving, forgiving, and of course, cuddly. I try my best to keep those characteristics in mind as I go through life (except for maybe being cuddly).”
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with IN HOSA?
A: “It has been the absolute greatest honor to serve as your State President. I will never forget this organization or the members and the large impact it has left on me as a person. Reflecting back, HOSA has given me the opportunity to fly for the first time, travel to Disney and Dallas, meet our State Representatives in Washington DC, and hear the HOSA stories of numerous members. Take advantage of all the opportunities this organization has to offer and cherish your time while you are here. Thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime, HOSA members!”