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Getting To Know Your Officers

Getting to Know Your State Officers!

We asked our newly elected group of state officers some questions just to get to know them better!

In order, we have: Julia Stover, President. Naman Satsangi, Vice-President. Alexandra Medina, Secretary. Ayoola Laleye, Treasurer. Ally Smith, Historian. Chase Hale, Secondary Representative.

How old are you?

Julia: I’m 17, a senior in high school!

Naman: I am 17 years old.

Alexandra: I am 17 years old.

Ayoola: I am 16 years old!

Ally: I’m 17!

Chase: I am 17 years old.

What high school/career center do you attend?

Julia: I attend North Central High School and J. Everett Light Career Center.

Naman: I attend Columbus East High School as well as C4 Columbus Area Career Connections.

Alexandra: I go to Morton High School and Area Career Center.

Ayoola: I attend Avon High School.

Ally: I go to school at the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center.

Chase: I go to Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center as well.

Who are your three favorite musical artists?

Julia: My favorite musical artists would be (in no particular order) Harry Styles, Faouzia, and Lewis Capaldi.

Naman: I listen to Drake, Post Malone, and Taylor Swift.

Alexandra: My three favorite artists are Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, and Kid Cudi.

Ayoola: My three favorites are Brent Faiyaz, KIRBY, and Sleeping at Last.

Ally: I listen to Tyler the Creator, Queen, and Rex Orange County.

Chase: I like Post Malone, Mac Miller, and Shinedown.

What is your favorite book?

Julia: My favorite book is called The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

Naman: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is my favorite book.

Alexandra: My favorite book is Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth.

Ayoola: Mine is The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith.

Ally: I love the book The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Chase: My favorite book is Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti.

What is your favorite movie?

Julia: My favorite movie is The Princess and The Frog.

Naman: My favorite movie is The Incredibles.

Alexandra: My favorite movie is called Hidden Figures.

Ayoola: My favorite movie is called Us.

Ally: My favorite movie is Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

Chase: My favorite movie is Lone Survivor.

Who is your hero?

Julia: My hero is Sonia Sotomayor.

Naman: My father is my hero.

Alexandra: My hero is the youngest US woman in Congress ever, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ayoola: My mother and my sister are my heroes.

Ally: My hero is my aunt.

Chase: My dad is my hero.

If you could go on a vacation anywhere, where would it be?

Julia: I would go to Santorini, Greece, especially Ammoudi Bay and Oia.

Naman: I would want to go to Europe, especially places like Germany that are rich in World War II history because I’ve always wanted to learn more about it.

Alexandra: I would go to Mana Island, Fiji.

Ayoola: I would go to Reykjavik, Iceland.

Ally: I would love to go to Italy!

Chase: I would go to Colorado.

What are your hobbies?

Julia: I really enjoy theatre, which includes performance, directing, and technical aspects. I also like to paint and garden.

Naman: In my free time, I play basketball, weightlifting, and playing videogames.

Alexandra: I like to listen to music and watch Gordon Ramsey cook.

Ayoola: I like to exercise, read, and cook.

Ally: I like to fish, drive around, and watch Grey’s Anatomy. I also really enjoy tie-dyeing shirts!

Chase: I enjoy fishing, riding dirtbikes, fitness, and playing on my Xbox.

What job in the healthcare field is your dream job and why?

Julia: I someday hope to be a Nuclear Radiologist. I love the idea of working with radioactive material to administer them to patients in order to get radiographic imaging.

Naman: I want to become a general physician, or a family doctor. I’ve always looked up to them because they’ve been there when my own family has had an emergency.

Alexandra: I want to become a surgeon because stepping into the surgical room and being fully in control of the large group excites me.

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