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Indiana State Leadership Conference 2021

With the annual State Leadership Conference approaching soon it is important to stay prepared so that you can do your best during the conference.

With this year’s Indiana HOSA State Leadership Conference being virtual it is important to know when the deadlines are so you can submit your documents on time. I certainly hope that you attended the free Winter Rally we hosted this past month as it provided a lot of helpful information regarding the State Leadership Conference.

If you are interested in running for a State leadership officer position, reach to your teacher and request for a state officer application. Once you receive the application follow the instructions on it and submit it as soon as you can. The application requires signatures from your parents, teachers and school administrators, so it is important that you work with their schedule to get their signatures. Along with that, state officer candidates are required to create a profile on Tallo and complete an online application on Tallo. This might sound like an easy task but it takes a lot of time to create and establish a strong portfolio on Tallo.

If being a state officer does not interest you as much, there are still several other events you can participate in. State Leadership conference offers a wide range of competitive events that you can compete in. Individuals who place in the top of their event may also receive scholarships from local Indiana colleges and universities. We offer a wide range of events that our participants can choose from. Remember to check if your competitive event requires you to turn in documents online through Tallo or Wufoo. If you are a student at the Middle School level then you will use Wufoo to turn your documents in. If you are a student at the High or Collegiate level you will use Tallo to turn your documents in.

This year your state officer team will be broadcasting general sessions live. The sessions can be watched by anyone who is participating in the State Conference. The general session also has keynote speakers and award ceremonies. Along with our general sessions, we will also be offering online symposiums and workshops that help you explore your passion in the healthcare field.

With all that State Leadership Conference has to offer, it is important that you turn your documents in on time and complete your tasks. Make sure to use your time wisely and to prepare for your event as SLC will be here before you know it! On behalf of Indiana HOSA, I truly hope that you will take time out of your schedule and join us for this year’s State Leadership Conference.



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