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Juice Cleanses

In our everyday life, we encounter influences that can greatly interfere with our health. In

some ways, these help us by educating us on what it means to lead a healthy life. Other times, a

company may be trying to sell a product at the expense of someone's health. One major impact is

that of social media and its influencers. Their promotion of “juice cleanses” has sparked major

controversy over the past few years. Why is this proclaimed health hack so popular, anyway?

A juice cleanse is a strict diet of only juices from fruits and vegetables that can last

anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. The extensive promotion of this method stems from

the claims that drinking only juices can improve digestion, rid the body of toxins, and even help

with weight loss.. These claims are only stimulated by celebrities or brands that may promote

them to their audience. Their gaining popularity and support seem to solidify their claims for

vulnerable consumers. They can range in price from $20-$70 per day, minus the shipping, which

can cost $60 with refrigeration.

Because most juices are made by combining a variety of fruits and vegetables, they are

very dense in vitamins and minerals. This may be very beneficial for someone who doesn’t

normally ingest enough fruits and vegetables in their regular diet. Juice cleanses can gain

popularity for this reason, given that processed, nutrient-lacking goods are much more

commonly chosen than fresh, unprocessed food. Drinking these nutrients may be more appealing

than eating them. They do have the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are found

in fruits and vegetables, and can also be beneficial for people with digestive systems that need a

break from processing fiber. However, is it true that these benefits are unique to juice cleanses,

and how do they compare with the negative effects they may have?

It may seem odd that a diet made entirely of fruits and vegetables can be unhealthy,

however, it most certainly is. Although fruits and vegetables are a major part of a healthy diet,

they remain only a part. Consuming only juice, while it does contain many vital nutrients,

deprives the body of food sources that contribute to its function. Other energy sources such as

fiber, carbohydrates, and protein are just as important for maintaining a balanced diet.

Juice cleanses are also commonly called juice “detoxes”. This is because it is claimed

that they rid the body of toxins. However, this claim has yet to be backed with any scientific

proof. It is most important to understand the fact that the body has its own well-functioning

system of detoxifying itself, and requires no help from juice to do the job. The liver and kidneys

mainly serve this purpose. Rather, because consuming only juices can overload these organs with

sugar and oxalate, it can actually harm these organs with fat buildup and even cause them to fail.

So, there is more evidence that a diet of juices will actually debilitate the cleansing of the body

rather than promote it.

A juice cleanse can actually weight loss, which may be the illusion that leads most people

to believe that they are healthy. Weight loss is common during a juice cleanse, however, it is due

to the lack of sufficient calories and nutrients in the juice. If a person is not consuming enough

calories for days or weeks at a time, they are bound to lose at least a few pounds. This weight loss

has also been proven to be linked to eating disorders. Because a person may not eat very much

food during a juice cleanse, their rapid weight loss can be psychologically harmful. Chances are,

the weight will be gained back as soon as a regular, fulfilling diet is resumed. So, while this

claim can be factually true, it is misleading in the way that it does not produce long-term effects.

There is no solid proof that a juice cleanse can provide any specific benefits that cannot

be found in a balanced diet. Rather than replacing food with juice, they should be consumed

together. Juices are made specifically to leave out the fiber that is naturally present in the

produce. Because fiber helps regulate blood sugar and digestion, juices are digested very quickly

and do not quell hunger for very long. This is why it is vital to include dietary fibers through

solid food.

Evidence suggests that a juice cleanse may lead to more harm than good. Although they

are packed with nutrients, they lack other necessary components. They can provide some

compelling benefits, but not on a long-term scale. Getting the benefits of fruits and vegetables

through the use of juices is done best as a supplement to a diet with proteins and fats, rather than

consuming only juices. The truth is that a juice diet is no better, maybe even worse than eating

fruits and vegetables on their own. It can also be much more expensive than just buying the

produce outright. This is why such major claims must be questioned and investigated before they

are believed because it is very common for companies to care more about selling their product

and whether or not it is a healthful solution.



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