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Tis' The Season to Give Back

In this time of uncertainty, where families are losing their members to the pandemic, people in our community need help more than ever. Whether you are an aspiring medical student or an engineer, participating in community service is a responsibility we all share.

Engaging in your community can be carried out in several ways. With the holiday season here, one could volunteer to help pack gifts that are being sent to children at hospitals or orphanages or volunteer in a kitchen that is feeding families Christmas meals. If those do not interest you, and working with animals is more of your forte, you could volunteer at an animal shelter and help take care of animals.

I personally enjoy working with others and giving back to my community. It has helped me develop character and leadership skills as I get to socialize with others and lead small groups as we try to accomplish our tasks.

Here at Indiana HOSA, we thrive on nurturing and promoting future health professionals. Along with that, we love giving back to the healthcare community and others within our society who could use our help. For this festive season, Indiana HOSA donated several Lego sets to organizations such as Riley Hospital for Children, and the Peyton Manning Foundation. We also like to provide monetary incentives for our members who are working hard within their community and spending several hours engaging in community service. Every year HOSA members can apply for the Barabra James Service Award.

The Barbara James Service Awards provides members with the opportunity to become contributing members of their communities by performing worthy volunteer community service hours related to health. The Barbara James Service Award is in memory of Barbara James, 1982-83 HOSA Inc. Board Chairman. Her leadership skills and contributions to HOSA exemplify the caring and compassion of HOSA members. This award aims to inspire members to be proactive future health professionals and recognize individual HOSA members who have a commitment to community service in health.

Depending on where you live there might be several organizations looking for active volunteers during this busy holiday season. A helpful resource to use is the Indiana Volunteer Website:

This website provides access to several organizations that are looking for volunteers. But the search can begin right in your community. If a friend or neighbor needs help with cleaning their yard, or a kitchen needs help delivering food, volunteer to help. Volunteering can help create a strong resume as colleges and workplaces are interested in hiring students who have a strong will to give back to their community. Additionally, it can also help you feel better. Helping others and noticing their smile brings warmth to the heart. This provides a feeling of joy and pride as you get to make others around you happy.

As this Holiday Season, comes to an end, use your free time and volunteer at local organizations that need help. A food bank or kitchen might need a lot of help during this time, as they are trying to feed families for Christmas. Make the most out of your time, and through all make sure to mask up and stay safe!

Happy Holidays!



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