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Women's History Month

The month of March doesn’t just highlight a tradition for St. Patrick’s Day but also highlights women. The strong women that worked in our past to give us equal rights, the ones that dreamed of a brighter future for all. And the women in our present who are living the dream and excelling in the fields of medicine, business, and engineering all fields that were once held positions only for men. Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate the women that built the foundation of strength and confidence that every woman exhibits now. The strong women that made sure that every barrier was broken, kept them from showing the world their potential. Thank you, for making the women today stronger.

Every woman fights through insecurities that society has bestowed on them, they are sometimes treated less than men and even paid less than men. However, even though these battles have been placed on them, each woman comes out stronger after overcoming her battle. And that is why we celebrate women; they prove society wrong and make sure to prove all the stereotypes placed on them wrong. Societal limitations define that women are not capable of doing some activities and aren’t capable of having access to some opportunities. But women have proved these limitations to be wrong. And instead defined being a woman as confident, strong, and powerful. They have shown that their true beauty comes from their heart. Women everywhere have fought back against the inequality that has been presented to them. Let’s take this month and celebrate these brave and amazing women that have such a great impact on our lives.

Let’s all thank the women that have been there for us, and show your appreciation for the women you know. But this Woman’s history month, let's make an impact on the lives of women everywhere. According to The World Bank, over 500 million women and girls don’t have the adequate supplies to keep them safe and healthy during their menstrual cycle. Not having the proper product to use during a menstrual cycle can be extremely harmful to a woman’s body. The women that work so hard day and night deserve this necessity. And one way you can help get it to them is by donating to non-profit organizations that have the mission to deliver safe and organic products to women. Organizations like Woman’s Worth Inc and are great places where you can donate. But you can also support a newly established non-profit right here in Indiana, Radiate Power Inc, and their mission is to provide organic period products for women everywhere. The organization is run by women for women and showing them support will help you make an impact on women everywhere. These links will be below, so go check their websites and donate. Together we call all work to make that 500 million numberless.

Women deserve to have the proper health care that they deserve, and as a community, we should all come together to make sure that they reserve those products. Women have built their history and women today should work together to build another enriching segment of that history.

Happy Women’s History month to all the women out there, Indiana HOSA is proud of you.



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